Thursday, February 12, 2004

How - someone tell me how !!

How is any person supposed to make an informed decision? Some factors that come to mind are:
1. Know the problem (thats extremely important)
2. Know are the possible scenarios that may emerge
3. Choose the desired outcome and then plot the approache(s) to that end.

sounds simple? if life was that simple too, we would all be computer programs today !! sometimes (in my opinion), its best that you take what comes your way inspite of the option seeming to go in the opposite direction of ur choice. maybe thats life's way of showing you an alternate route which could be more pleasent (or worse) or maybe shorter (or harder and longer). but either ways, the variety is the spice of life and satiating curiosity is the essence of existence.

i could be wrong - but then are you any better informed? if yes, i would like to hear from you ...